Prof. Thomas Seeley Papers
Tom Seeley has listed all his papers since the 1970s at:
Some are immediately downloadable and the rest are on 'Request full-text'.
Tom work's about bees is just amazing, mesmerizing & so rigorous. He has done so much in understanding and sharing scientific knowledge about bees and their behavior. Endless thanks to a man & a scientific of exception.
''I now work at Cornell University as a professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior. In this role, I teach courses on animal behavior and I do research on the behavior and ecology of honey bees. This work is summarized in four books: Honeybee Ecology (1985), The Wisdom of the Hive (1995), Honeybee Democracy (2010), and Following the Wild Bees (2016). In recognition of my scientific contributions, I have been honored by an Alexander von Humboldt Distinguished U.S. Scientist Award, been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, and been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. These are nice awards, but for me the most important prizes for being a scientist are the discoveries that I have made about the inner workings of honey bee colonies.
My "love affair" with honey bees began in the summer of 1969, when I was 17 years old and still a high school student. That summer I began keeping bees with a swarm that I had caught and housed in a wooden box. A year later, I went off to university at Dartmouth College, but returned to my hometown (Ithaca, New York) each summer to work as a helper at the Dyce Laboratory for Honey Bee Studies at Cornell University. Here, I learned the craft of beekeeping and began performing studies on the biology of honey bees. Thoroughly intrigued by these wonderful little creatures, I dropped my plans to go to medical school and decided to instead go to graduate school and be a biologist who studies the behavior, social life, and ecology of honey bees. I did my graduate studies at Harvard University where I was supervised by two “ant men” (Drs. Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson), began my research on honey bees in earnest, and earned my Ph.D. in 1978. I stayed at Harvard for two years of postdoctoral studies before starting an assistant professorship at Yale University. After teaching at Yale for six years, I moved home to Ithaca and Cornell in 1986, where I have lived and worked ever since, except when I spend time living, working, and bee hunting, in a tiny town in downeast Maine.''
-Thomas Seeley
Abstract from: http://www.beehunting.com/about-us/